Bulova Marine Star Rom MOD V2




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2 thoughts on “Bulova Marine Star Rom MOD V2

  1. on Kospet Prime the numbers aren’t bright like in image of watch preview, they should be as bright as the two gold coloured rings ? zoomed in or out, or choosing different colour backgrouds no difference, also same issue on zeblaze 4 Pro. I note as per preview here brightness linked with movement sensors but seems overly sensitive and feature is on/off is too quick [more off /dull]. Is it possible to have brightness on but not tied to the movement sensors. I really like the face.

    1. All of the faces that are uploaded on the website are customizable .. so you can go ahead and change the settings of the face yourself by choosing the element of the watch and modifying its setting

      Would like to know how you made this watchface work on zeblaze watch while the watch os is android not WearOS?

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