Watchmaker App Premium Licensed Version for Free

In the following link you will find a copy of the

Watchmaker App Premium Version 5.7.3

This is a free licensed version ready to use


Note: This is an old version is for testing only to check if you are satisfied with the app and works smoothly on your smartwatch or not

if you are satisfied kindly remove the app and download the original app from the play store and buy the license since this will not support updates and new additional features will be lost




8 thoughts on “Watchmaker App Premium Licensed Version for Free

  1. Megvásároltam minden licencet mégsem működik a Samsung A 71 és a Samsung watch 3 Ki fizeti vissza a pénzem?

  2. The link Watchmaker App Premium Version 5.7.3 does’nt dowload that App but WatchMaker Live Wallpaper App, so the link is wrong. Could you correct the link? Thanks.

  3. 2020 ban jeleztem a problémát a rendszer azóta sem működik. Samsung s20FE SGW3 kombináción. Minden programot megvásároltam ez azért nem korrekt eljárás. Válaszra sem méltatják az embert. Bármilyen facet tennék az órára a válasz INKORREKT WATCH FACE. Inkorrekt ez az egész. Jeleztem a program készítőjének is az sem válaszol az emailjeimre.

  4. Hi,

    I have a subscription to Watchmaker and installed it using my iPhone 14 to my Samsung gear 3 watch and was working fine.

    I had t reset my watch but now when I install watchmaker it doesn’t send the companion app to my watch anymore because it knows I am registered.

    Can you tell me how I can install the companion app again.


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